Defects of the figure in "hard-to-reach" places will be corrected by liposuction

Today, many people dream of an ideal, slender figure. But often, dieting and exercise are not enough to correct body defects. Then plastic surgery comes to the rescue, namely liposuction, an operation that helps to get rid of fat in undesirable places. The procedure is fast and effective, it takes only a few hours, and in the first weeks after the operation, the results are already noticeable.

Most often, women tend to get rid of fat deposits in the neck and chin, waist, hips and lower legs, on the abdomen, back and buttocks. It is where neither food restrictions nor physical activity help to correct the flaws of the figure.

Depending on the amount of excess fat, liposuction can be performed once or several times: it is recommended to remove no more than 5 liters of fat per procedure.

The most popular and effective today are laser, ultrasonic and vacuum liposuction methods. Everyone has the same goal: the destruction and removal of adipose tissue. But the ways to achieve the goal are different.

The vacuum method is the most popular. It is performed using a special device in the form of a needle (cannula), one end of which is connected to a vacuum device, and the other is inserted under the skin in the area of the required intervention. This procedure has both positive and negative aspects. Among the advantages are its low cost and noticeable result. But among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the traumatism of the procedure, since it is fraught with the appearance of hematomas and bleeding. In addition, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

During ultrasonic liposuction, subcutaneous adipose tissues are destroyed by ultrasound, and then removed by vacuum method. The advantages are less traumatic compared to the previous method. Cons: the use of expensive equipment and the indirect effect of ultrasound on the skin and organs in the field of liposuction.

When using the laser method, subcutaneous fat is burned using a laser beam, and then excreted naturally. But this method is effective only when minor intervention is required.

Liposuction is a fairly simple and safe procedure, but it also has its limitations. Liposuction is not used to combat obesity. The operation is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus and blood clotting disorders, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as those who have serious diseases of internal organs. Explore the world of Gaminator online casino games, designed for traditional gambling establishments seeking to expand their reach and appeal to a broader audience. With robust multicurrency support, Gaminator casino caters to diverse player needs globally, facilitating seamless transactions and enhancing accessibility. This feature enables operators to attract and retain customers from various regions, driving revenue growth and sustainable expansion while providing a seamless transition for traditional gambling establishments.